Crain Automotive Team Collision

Jul 7, 2023
Street view with several cars driving in both directions. | Driving Tips | Crain Automotive Team Collision

Defensive driving can save drivers a good deal on the costs of medical bills and collision repair. While on the road, instead of focusing only on getting from A to B, focusing on reducing collision threats will make you a happier, healthier, wealthier driver. The following 10 safe driving tips can go a long way to ensure you make it to your destination in one piece. 

Take Your Time

Speeding plays a role in 29% of all road accidents. No matter how urgent your journey may seem, slow down and drive safely. You can mitigate the temptation to drive too fast by setting off earlier on most of your trips.

Stay Focused

Distracted driving is also a significant hazard, causing 16% of all road accidents. Always avoid turning your attention to smartphones, food, drink, navigation systems, or passengers while driving, any of which can be a dangerous distraction.  

Look Far Ahead

The earlier you see upcoming intersections, traffic jams, road debris, or dangerous drivers, the sooner and surer you can react. Always look far ahead to anticipate obstacles and hazards in advance. 

Only Drive When Well-Rested

Lack of sleep dramatically increases any driver’s chances of having an accident. When you feel sleepy, it’s often best to put off your drive until after you’ve had a nap or a coffee. 

Keep Your Distance

Follow the three-second rule and always avoid tailgating. You never know when the other driver might suddenly stop.

Anticipate Bad Drivers

Don’t expect other drivers to be safe and rational. If you anticipate the occasional mistakes of others, you’re more likely to respond to threats safely. 

Beware of Wet Roads

Always adjust your driving to the weather conditions. Wet or icy roads dramatically alter driving conditions. When it rains or snows, slow down, extend distances between other cars, avoid hard braking, and handle turns with caution. 

Be Aware of Blind Spots

Always be aware of your own blind spots and the blind spots of other drivers. It’s best to assume that a vehicle is in your blind spot before changing lanes; also assume that other drivers can’t see you when you approach from the rear on either side. 

Maintain Your Car

Poorly maintained brakes, tires, transmissions, and other car parts cause a great many accidents each year. You can stay a lot safer on the road by keeping your car properly maintained and attending all scheduled servicing visits. 

Get Collision Repair Promptly

If you ever have a collision, always have your car promptly examined and repaired. Even after a mild scrape or bump, you never know what internal damage might have been dealt that’s making your vehicle less safe to drive.

If your car is in any way damaged by a collision, visit Crain Collision to have experienced technicians repair it today. We’re dedicated to delivering personalized service and excellent customer satisfaction.

Image via Pixabay.